Important Notice
Families, check out upcoming events!
P188X will be hosting parent workshops throughout the school year. This year we plan on offering a variety of activities as a school community. Please complete the survey so we can best serve you and your family.
P188X Parent Association Parent Meeting
Google Meet joining info: Video call link:, Or dial: (US) +1 337-441-4094 PIN: 559 084 762#
Self-Care and Stress Management for Parents: This workshop is geared toward parents of children of any age and will provide information on the effects of stress, and concrete techniques to manage stress and practice self-care.
Workshop Facilitator: Annie Mudick, LMSW
When: Friday, January 17th at 2 PM EST
What is Therapy? Provides information on different therapeutic modalities and what to consider when choosing a therapist for you or your child.
Workshop Facilitator: Mary Beth Spaulding, MSW
When: Thursday, January 23rd at 3 PM EST
Time Management: Learn strategies on how you can manage the hectic schedules around school, activities, work, and more.
Workshop Facilitator: Mary Beth Spaulding, MSW
When: Thursday, January 30th at 3 PM EST
How to Talk to Children About Domestic Violence: This workshop will discuss ways to effectively talk with your children about domestic violence and what you can do as a parent to support you and your child’s relationship.
Workshop Facilitator: Annie Mudick, LMSW
When: Friday, January 31st at 2 PM EST
Future Planning Workshop - Future Planning for People with Developmental Disabilities (Shared Decision-Making/Guardianship/Wills and Trusts)
371K will be hosting a future planning workshop in partnership with New York Lawyers for the Public Interest on January 15th at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. See attached flyer.
Topics covered will include:
• Special Needs Trust/Supplemental Needs Trust
• Health Care Proxy
• Letter of Intent
• Power of Attorney
• Supported Decision Making
• Guardianship
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 926 0388 3006
Passcode: 33246
Home of the RAMS
Welcome from our Principal
Fall 2024
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! On behalf of the administration and staff, we welcome back our returning families, as well as, extend a heartfelt welcome to our newest families! We appreciate the faith and trust you have placed in our staff and school community. We fully adhere to the protocols for safety in accordance to the Chancellor’s Regulations. I want you to know safety is always paramount. We understand COVID protocols are no longer active and mask are not mandatory, but we respect all staff and students’ right to wear mask in our school buildings. We continue to utilize our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Framework to support our school community. P188X remains committed to the home school partnership and is an active participant in the Community Schools Program. We have a partnership with CEI- Center for Educational Innovation. This year our Theme is, “Reimagining learning and wellness for success and independence!” Our Mascot is the RAMS- Respect, Achieve, Motivate, Succeed.
P188X is a multi-sited District 75 school serving the Pre-K through 12th grade student populations. Our hours of operation for the entire organization are 8:10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. except, the Inclusion program. All of our sites offer a multitude of services for students in grades PK-12 predominantly in alternate assessment programs. Our P34 site is located near some of the best learning resources in the Bronx, The Bronx Zoo and Botanical Gardens, P34 offers the most diverse population of students in Pre-K, Early Childhood, Elementary, and Middle School programs. Our M.S. 301 site is located near the central shopping hub on Third Avenue, it offers a diverse student population with two (2) standardized assessment autistic classes and alternate assessment programs in grades 6-8. Finally, our H790 site is an alternate assessment high school site located near Yankee Stadium and the Bronx Court System, with inclusion classes and various work sites for our students in grades 9-12 to obtain vocational and Post-Secondary skills. We have a Montefiore Clinic on site. You must register for the service. Our P198x our elementary site is our newest site. We have an excellent staff and are co-located with a K-5 and Autism Charter school. This site offers new and exciting partnerships and opportunities. We have a Montefiore clinic on site. You must register your child for the clinic. P198X is located off Boston Rd. Blocks from our MS 301 site.
This is an exciting time in your child’s school year. They are meeting new staff, making new friends and adjusting to new schedules. It is our hope your child will make a positive adjustment to our school and during the 2024-2025 school year! We are here to assist your child in becoming a life-long learner. P188X will challenge our students to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. The staff and administration acknowledge the importance of creating a structured, supportive, and nurturing learning environment. We would like to collaborate with you in establishing a healthy relationship to support your child’s unique learning needs. Our program is aligned to the Next Generation Learning Standard in accordance with the Chancellor’s Expectations.
Your child will face all types of positive challenges. We will teach your child to problem solve, generalize skills and promote positive behavior management skills. Your child will learn to be prepared, accountable, responsible, respectful, and the best student he/she can be. It is crucial you help us facilitate your child meeting their full potential as a learner. Attendance and communication are essential in this process. Your child being present and ready to learn ensures your child achieves and goals and improves their skills. A student who is absent on average two or more times a month correlates to “chronic absenteeism”. Try to minimize appointments and travel during the school day. A myriad of workshops for parents are available throughout the year and PA meetings will assist with the school home learning pact. We have an exceptional staff of dedicated, professionals committed to helping your child succeed. Here are a few tips:
- Update the school with a working phone number, address, current physical, updated Immunization information, and medical alerts (Blue cards and allergy plan).
- Review your child’s school supply list and ensure they have required supplies.
- Attend all school appointments virtually and/or in person.
- In order to facilitate learning, students at P188X are not permitted to bring the following; however, it is not limited to these items:
- Gang related paraphernalia, bikes, scooter, skateboards, glass bottles, large sums of money, expensive jewelry, toys, handheld games, cameras, and any other items which will be a distraction and/or subject to the Discipline Code. This is in the best interest of your child to avoid theft, injury, and/or conflicts.
- Compliance with the Chancellor’s regulations on prohibited items will be enforced at all sites.
- A copy of the school’s cell phone policy is available on the website and the NYCPS website.
The school is not responsible in the event your child brings the aforementioned or any prohibited items to school. Such items are subject to confiscation which will require you to come into school to retrieve them.
You will receive an introduction letter from your partnering teacher and related service providers along with other pertinent documents and school supply list(s). Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you and your child this year.
Shanie J. Smith-Baugh
P188X Vision and Mission Statement
Our Vision
We believe all students can learn and are entitled to be provided with equitable access to the best education possible.
Our Mission
We foster an equitable educational experience and environment for all students taking into account their diverse needs, interests, abilities and access. We promote positive self-awareness and provide social-emotional supports among students to develop academic, communication and life skills to maximize individual student growth and independence. We deliver a high-quality education through standards-based instruction for our students to become socially responsive lifelong learners and active participants in their communities.
Community Counseling & Mediation – F.A.T.E. September 10th , 2025 @2pm