P.188X @ H.S. 790

  • P188X Middle School - Virtual High School Fair

    This is an opportunity for you to learn about all the D75 High School programs in the Bronx. 

    P. 188 X
  • Virtual Parent Support Group

    P. 188 X
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Our Classrooms

In keeping with the age of technology, all of our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art Smart Boards. Utilizing Smart Boards has revolutionized the instruction process. Students are engaged and teachers have a more hands-on approach to teaching. Technology is a major component in the 21st Century and we are equipped to provide our students with the skills necessary to succeed in the world.




 Cafe Logo 


Developing Life and Job Skills 

Here at Academic Eats Student Cafe, our goal is to provide opportunities for our students to develop their life skills and experience career and work opportunities, while providing delicious food and drink to our school community.  

We offer a set lunch menu along with weekly specials, all made from scratch by our amazing students.  

Student Worksite

Learning Through Service and Hard Work

We have a simple goal in our student cafe worksite, learning through doing.  Our cafe worksite dubbed "The Academic Eats" is a student run culinary worksite.  Our students work hard each day to further develop their social skills, career readiness and life skills, through real life work.

We will work hard each day to create delicious meals at the lowest possible prices for our school community and faculty.  We are 100% student run and self-sustaining.  We have no outside funding and use whatever small proceeds we make we use to provide opportunities and experiences for our students here at P188X.

All of our dishes and offering are student driven, they suggest the menu, they shop for the food and they prepare the meals.  
​Come give us a try and see what everyone in the Mott Haven Family is talking about.  We have a full menu of over 10 different daily offering including fresh made salads and wraps, grilled to order burgers and delicious Chicken Sandwiches.  Check back each week for our constantly changing weekly specials.  Stop by our cafe and say hello, order a hand crafted coffee drink and support us in our endeavor to learn and grow through doing. 

Classrooms is fully equipped with a kitchen, washer and dryer. It is in this classroom that students will gain the skills to live independently as adults. Students learn meal preparation, shopping skills, and grooming skills. It is our goal to have all students procure some form of independence prior to transitioning into the adult world.

 Students in Cafe 

P188X Highschool Staff Organization

P188X 2023- 2024

**Organization is subject to change based on school allocation and student referrals**


Administration Title Email
Shanie J. Smith-Baugh Principal sjohnso28@schools.nyc.gov
Ursula Luciano Assistant Principal uluciano@schools.nyc.gov


Office Staff Title Ext. Email
TBD School Aide 4392  
A. Wayne Dean 4390 wanthony2@schools.nyc.gov


TEACHERS Ratio Class E-mail
A. Anderson Inclusion L10 aanderson30@schools.nyc.gov
M. Siefert Inclusion L11 mseifert@schools.nyc.gov
C. Moffat Inclusion L13 cmoffatt2@schools.nyc.gov
M. Guida Work site W01 mguida2@schools.nyc.gov
J. Blount 12:1:1 V01 jblount@schools.nyc.gov
G. Bascom 12:1:1 V02 gbascom@schools.nyc.gov
J. Sei 12:1:1 V03 josei@schools.nyc.gov
E. Daur 8:1:1 X22 edaur@schools.nyc.gov
C. Joyner 8:1:1 X23 cjoyner@schools.nyc.gov
A. Olusoji 8:1:1 X24 aolusoji2@schools.nyc.gov
A. Rhett 6:1:1 Y01 arhett@schools.nyc.gov
D. Edwards 6:1:1 Y02 dedwards8@schools.nyc.gov
C. Campbell 6:1:1 Y03 mcampbell45@schools.nyc.gov
M. Payano 6:1:1 Y40 mpayano@schools.nyc.gov


M. Skrypack APE MSkrypack@schools.nyc.gov
J. Bruce Technology jbruce4@schools.nyc.gov
E. Barnett ADL EBarnet4@schools.nyc.gov
D. Bohrer Art dbohrer@schools.nyc.gov



C. Acevedo Speech caceved7@schools.nyc.gov
T. Ologunja Speech tologunja@schools.nyc.gov
A. Zendano Speech azendano@schools.nyc.gov
K. Conlin Speech kconlin@schools.nyc.gov
L. Polly School Psychologist plewis4@schools.nyc.gov
K. Birchard Counselor
L. Forrest Counselor lforrest@schools.nyc.gov
G. Mercedes Peguero Counselor  gmercedesdecabral@schools.nyc.gov
B. Inman ENL binman2@schools.nyc.gov
A. Jones Occupational Therapist ajones94@schools.nyc.gov
L. Talan Physical Therapist MTalan@schools.nyc.gov